Check out Tourism Johor's coverage of JBQR over at their website here!

柔苏丹华诞 JBQR发布数码柔佛州旗致敬
(新山23日讯) 配合今天的柔佛州苏丹依布拉欣陛下华诞暨加冕日,“新山二维码”(JBQR)平台特别在网站及社交平台增加“数码柔佛州旗”,象征对柔佛州丰富遗产及王室传承的团结、自豪和尊敬,同时向柔州王室致敬
English Machine Translation
(Johor Bahru, March 23) In conjunction with the birthday and coronation day of His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim of Johor today, the "Johor Bahru QR Code" (JBQR) platform has specially added a "Digital Johor State Flag" on its website and social media platforms. This symbolizes unity, pride, and respect for Johor's rich heritage and royal legacy, while also paying tribute to the Johor royal family.
The "Johor Bahru QR Code" is a digital platform that consolidates various tourist information in the Johor Bahru area, allowing visitors to access travel and related information by scanning QR codes.
The platform announced today that through the application of innovative technology, it aims to foster a sense of belonging and patriotism among the people of Johor and visitors.
The business development manager of "Johor Bahru QR Code," Goh Shih Kiat, stated that the platform launched the Digital Johor State Flag to celebrate the birthday of Sultan Ibrahim of Johor. This initiative reflects the platform's commitment to preserving and promoting Johor's cultural heritage through digital innovation.
He mentioned that the Digital Johor State Flag will be displayed on the "Johor Bahru QR Code" website and social media platforms, allowing users to participate and express their support for the Johor royal family. Additionally, he invites the people of Johor and supporters to proudly display and share the Digital Johor State Flag to participate in this important day.